Better Interaction.
Better Commuincation.

A simple platform that takes your whole business up to a new level.


Closed-Loop Marketing

A winning strategy that saves your time and raise your pharma business revenue.

Tacitapp is a closed-loop marketing module, enabling you to manage sales pipelines and customers' data all at once. CLM is a great investment to improve customer experience, to stay visionary in the market and to have succeeded pharma business on multiple fronts.

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Uplift your business and enhance your sales force effectiveness.

Integrate your sales activities and customer relations and improve your sales pipelines' flow through digitizing your content, conducting more impactful and productive sales activities, identify potential customers, and accurately reporting every step along the way.

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Cloud-based Dashboard

Insightful data pool for those who want to take action.

A centralized pool that has been feeded with data from all over different Tacitapp modules. It utilizes the gathered data and takes you far beyond analytics to have a deeper look at your business performance. You now can take decisions of business expansion with less uncertainaty, improve the upcoming sales activities and accelerate the development of your pharma business.

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Stand-alone services

Stay connected with your customers and analyze fufrther.

Marketing automation and account management solutions that help you connect more with your target audience and have a 24/7 real-time tracking to uplift your business an grow it rapidly.

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